Sunday, October 15, 2006


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Our destination on Day 1

The scenic drive down  Posted by Picasa
California highways look nice as well  Posted by Picasa


Red sails upon the blue ocean  Posted by Picasa
Sailing  Posted by Picasa
Canneries abound on Cannery Row  Posted by Picasa
Kalisa's - colours and shape reminiscent of western movies  Posted by Picasa
Kayaking the Monterey coast  Posted by Picasa
Reflections  Posted by Picasa
All three  Posted by Picasa
Aquamarine  Posted by Picasa
This company is now more into the tourism industry than the canning industry  Posted by Picasa
A cormorant up close  Posted by Picasa
A flock of cormorants  Posted by Picasa
Monterey ruins serve as home for this Western Gull  Posted by Picasa
The gull up close  Posted by Picasa
Book tourism  Posted by Picasa

The 17 Mile Drive
Point Joe & the Restless Sea

The Black ringed gull (large, dusky gull), Heermann's Gull (red billed), Western Gull (red spotted bill) and possibly a fourth species congregate in this picture.  Posted by Picasa
The coast in fog  Posted by Picasa
Treasures of tide pools. A sea anemone. Goa reprise.  Posted by Picasa
Mallik decides to sing, scaring all the seabirds away  Posted by Picasa
See the next shot for the result  Posted by Picasa
Swarna testing out the waters of the Pacific. Visions of Goa ?  Posted by Picasa
Mallik by the shore  Posted by Picasa
Mallik deep in thought  Posted by Picasa